Thursday, November 8, 2012

Tango and the Artist

Well, I haven't been at my desk writing my blog this last week because I just got back from the Albuquerque Tango Festival. Here I am with one of the nice dancers I met there.We are in our casual practice clothes because we are going to classes and are on our feet all day. However,  when it is time to go to the evening milonga, or formal dance,  then everyone gets dressed up and the high heels start moving. I wrote about tango back on my March blog, and I am still practicing and working at improving my techniques.
In many ways, dancing the tango resembles the life of the artist.We are always working on trying to improve what we do. How can we take the basic steps and give them more style and refinement? What can we add in way of embellishment to take our expression to a new height? In Argentine tango, it helps to be a good dancer, or at least a graceful one, if you wish to be spend time on the dance floor rather than on the sidelines. As an artist, one wants to be respected for all the time, skill, and especially , the results we are trying to achieve. If the audience gets it, then they will buy what we offer.That is the final dance. To take what is difficult, and make seem effortless. 

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